

For the recovery of native plants and seeds, the rediscovery and appreciation of the mountains and of the lost craft.

The idea of creating this promoting association, came by looking at the few farmers and the now rare farming families who still sow and cultivate corn for polenta.
Pesants and and the farmers are decrising and old and precious varieties of corn seeds are lost. In the past we obtained a rich and tasty meal from that but the current spread has made us forget the taste and flavour of a typical Valtellina dish.
The same thing happens with buckwheat, rye, and the varieties of chestnuts, all as native and naturalized to our land. Now almost everithing comes from abroad.
For a long time, the Mill of Dosso has been cultivating a variety of corn, characterized by a long cob “blood-red” coloured, rich of quality and called “Red Agrivan”. It germinates and matures in 120 days giving high yeld of flour with its intense and fragrant taste.
We also have other rare varieties of corn, still cultivated by a few local farmers.
Our aim is to find friends, passionates and farmers who want to join a movement per species, to revalue these indigenous varietes of cereals, maize for polenta and chestnuts. We also want to create a mark of origin to protect the species, recognize the quality, as in Valtellina has been known to do with other local products.
In doing so it is possible to retrive an important cereals market niche in order to realize exclusive dishes such as the “polenta taragna” of Bitto Valley cooked without exotic mixtur of flour, tipically lacking of flavor and only usefull to absorb butter.
To delight oneself at the table with a glass of “valligiano” nectar (with a good glass of wine from the Valley) is not for connoisseur, if you eat a poor polenta devoid of nutritional value.
In our intent we should not forget the chestnut!
Few people know the variety and preocesses of preservation today too easily dispersed.
Let us at least keep the old trees that have fed our ancestors in the critical moments of our history.
You run instead to the nurseryman to buy Japanese plants that provide fruits of bigger size, but that do not have the taste of our qualities of the valley.
The same is for our local plants. Let use some of them to adorn our gardens, dont’t look for tropical qualities that only bring diseases and mites previously unknown to us.
The most important commitment is:
the creation of a “container” of peasant culture, to guarantee that who sows and produces can sell directly to consumers, creating jobs and giving earnings once unthinkable.
To this group may participate:
farmers who like to preserve their own seeds, the Pro Loco, municipalities and individuals who will evaluate and examine projects and innovative ideas for the rehabilitation and recovery of species of plants that are being dispersed such as traditional seeds of common rye, of potato and buckwheat.
The main point of the "food movement" is the Dosso VANSERAF MUSEUM and the mill, which potentially can grind all kinds of grain. Another point is the Valeriana route at SACCO of Cosio Valtellino, with the possibility to exhibit the typical products of the association.
Another center of information and exhibition of artisanal and local land products of the association is located in Morbegno, Via Borgo Salvo, n. 15.
The site consists of exhibition areas with large taproom and adjacent portico with a total area of 150 square meters. The place is furnished with tools of traditional crafts, old mills, presses for grapes, an old loom (XIX century), woodmen tools that attract the attention of tourists in the summer and autumn seasons.
The Museum Vanseraf Mill of Dosso is non-profit. It wants to be alive for the public and a meeting point for knowledge and rediscovery of the peasant civilization.
Morbegno, as well as being a meeting place, will be also an exhibition site for local products, for evening and daily tastings.
THIS PLACE is already available to the City of Morbegno for the Bitto Fair occupying it for two weekends in October.
In the exposition of Morbegno will be welcome all the cultural activities that are intended to be presented to the public: from books, popular music, etc.
THE MOVEMENT OF FOOD is open to visits and clarifications. It will be publicized by the local networks (Press-TV-Radio) for each innovation that will be introduced.
For informations: Tel. 0342 610460.