
Main mechanical parts
A. Hopper
B. Higher mobile millstone (ballerina)
C. Lower fixed millstone
D. Grind covering (coffia)
E. Conducted gear wheel with vertical shaft connected to the millstone (B)
F. Conductor gear wheel, with horizontal shaft (G) connected to the waterwheel
G. Shaft that connects the water wheel (H) to the gear wheel (F)
H. Waterwheel draweri
I. Channel from the uptake of water
L. Detail of the pawl

Grinding cicle
1. Grain in the hopper already sifted
2 .The grain passes through the small hopper opening (granerolo)
3. The grain is grinded (millstone)
4. The mill ground wheat comes out of the grinder and is transported
in the sieve
5. In the sieve takes place separation of flour from the bran
6. Flour in the large case is ready to be separated.

