Mill of Dosso purposes and sponsorships
The Morbegno VANRADIO, in collaboration with Serafino Vaninetti, participates sponsoring cultural events and researches, to the rediscovery of Lower Valtellina past.
The research and studies concern the ethnicity, customs, music, old roads, old settlements, the preservation of the chestnut tree and its revaluation, and the retrieval of the varieties such as:
Marroncino chestnut of Sacco, of rye, buckwheat and corn seed called "ustanei" which once was sown in June after the harvest of wheat.
The preparation of the Ethnographic Museum "Vanseraf Mill Dosso" in Valgerola is well advanced and it's already available to visit the old water mill, renovated in 1998. The museum will be equipped with the tools and the reconstruction of the techniques used by the ancient inhabitants of the area for the execution of jobs today disappeared.

Mill of Dosso - two millstone milling for cereals, mixed grains, and white (for white flour)
Gràà – grill for chestnuts drying
Olive mill for squeezing olives, linen seeds, wallnuts, etc.
Press for squeezing grapese
Mortar to grind cereals
Cable car “a pesantore”: timber transport technology - Craft of the woodsman
Coal place The charcoal burner craft
Oven to bake bread
Manual Pump for water
The fulling mill called “fula” – Graphic reconstruction
Hydraulic hammer – Graphic reconstruction
The Trentin: the “resegoch” craft
Carpenter before the machines advent
“precise sight, all by hand, saw, plane and arms strenght
Ancient maul of Paolo Buzzetti & Son Firm of Morbegno (SO)
At the museum you can see, besides the already restored and functioning Molino del Dosso also wooden devices and the old press.
Therefore you can see:
a mill of the Costa of the fourteenth-century, manually operated to draw oil from the nuts.
The pila (family mill), which preceded the advent of water mills, served to pilaris rye, barley and crush meat for sausages..
Greedy grinder precious and rare, dated in 1667, redoscovered at Sacco di Sotto at Magrin’s house. This finding is all what remains of a mill turned by manual power used by the rural families of the time.

Components of the water mill

Grinding wheel for mixture Maize, chestnuts, etc.
Grinding wheel for white flour Wheat, flours for bread
“Sleeping” wheel lower fixed grinder
“Dancing” wheela Top swivel grinder
Faseera Wood band that surrounds the rotary grinder and carry the milled in the sieve or large case.
Hopper container for the grist its measures containment are by bushel. They are marked by nails that mark the amount.
Giovvo device on the bottom of the hopper regulated by a counterweight, used to regulate the release of wheat in the millstones.
Martellina (small hammer) The millstones must be periodically hammered with a special hammer called “martellina” (a little hammer) to give a cut to the grinding.
Wheel and blades shaft Cylindrical trunk bearings leaned on wooden bearings of larch, chestnut or oak with externally stucked the paddle wheel that moved by the water rotates the cylinder.
Toothed wheel Iron straps which protect the shaft, the faser and also the millstones in case of break-up.
Shod shields Iron straps which protect the shaft, the faser and also the millstones in case of break-up.
Rodigino Wood-made pinion rotary driven by the toothed wheel that turns the mill.
Navigia Flat iron bar which goes through the central hole and that is fixed in the higher millstone with a compass in the center where the “rodigino” is triggered to wheel it.
Sieve Large case that receives the ground and through the shaking device separates the flour from the bran.
Curletto Iron handle, used to lift the higher millstone for hammering or revision of devices that made it to wheel.
Lock Flow regulator of canal water that reaches the paddle wheel
Volpera Container of the sleeping (or fixed) millstone submerged in the lime.
Pallo or millstone holder Movable wood on which rests the pinion. Using a screw the millstone can be raised to the desired extent.
Small channel Usually wooden-made. Adjustable from the inside of mill. It is the last stretch of water pipe going to discharge on the paddlewheel.
