'The last bear of Valgerola

That year, on Alpe Taiàà had arrived just a few days before the cattle for summer grazing. The shepherds who looked after it were aware of the presence of bears that were circulating at the time still free through our valleys and those of Monte Legnone. They knew that the bears recently come out of the winter hibernation, were busy looking for food to supplement the lost fat. There was a real danger of raids to the herd. Thing which unfortunately came true. One morning they found a partially devoured mare. At Sacco, Valgerola, this news arrived right away, putting in turmoi families which on the Alpe had their animals. An expedition was organized to hunt the plantigrade. It was composed by the Marshall brothers (family nickname) experienced and courageous hunters.
So named:
Paolo Gambetta class 1851
Pasquale Gambetta called Militar class 1853
Natale Gambetta called Grupp class 1855

Also Antonio Vaninetti, called Pedio, class 1863 joined them. At that time lived in the home of Homo Selvadego, now a national monument. With the beginning of the expedition the first problems arrived. Already on the trail of the bear, from the muzzle loading gun of the Pedio inadvertently departed a shot that pulped his right foot. For the record, the very next day, he had to publish his wedding at Sacco. The hunt continued in any case and the brothers Gembetta were able to discover the bear. At this point, however, the information on the site are disparate. It is certain that was among the pastures of Stavel and Mezzana, and not without surprises. The bear was wounded with a shot by Gambetta but the animal, infuriated, attacked the Militar, which in turn pulled the trigger of his gun, but the shot did not leave. Then underwent the attack of the bear that bit him in his knee and had to be carried, against his will, by the shepherds in the village to dress the wound. Only two remained in the midst of these unfortunate accidents and hesitant about what to do. But the fiber of the mountaineer and the courage of the hunter prevailed. The hunt continued pursuing the wounded bear. For five hours followed his tracks in the valley Fraina valley (Valsassina) and there were able to kill him.

Another bear was killed in Gerola on the Pescegallo Alpe. To kill him personally was a doctor of Morbegno Luigi Gualteroni, accompanied by a certain Mr. Acquistapace of Gerola. The last bear was killed near by Bormio, Valtellina in 1902 and so was that the bears disappeared completely from our mountains. Remained just the tedious itchiness very localized, perhaps as the revenge of the bears, which is called "el mal de l’urs".

The disappearance of the bear in Valtellina leaves a bitter taste. What did this animal of so dangerous to be hunted unmercifully, to want his death? Why to extinguish him from the mountain, in its territory, for centuries? Surely was the wrong man teachment to classify this plantigrade so shy and solitary as dangerous and abominable beast. Instead we know that the bear does not attack humans except to protect its teddies. Bear attacks the cattle only in rare cases of animals in distress or ill. It’s herbivore almost 100% and may still live in our Alps in its natural habitat. It is up to us to acknowledge the mistake of unmercifully hunting we have done, learn to know and love him as our traveling companion. I am sure the bear will be back on our mountains. It will return, perhaps after ten or fifty years but will be back.